Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stalking People I've Never Met on Facebook

So I haven't written any posts for a while. Mostly because I was without any ideas I felt were worth mentioning. But anyway, for whatever reason I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook lately...I mean what else do you do when you're bored? (Don't tell any of my professors). But seriously, I found myself wondering about people I'd seen around the college campus and decided to search for them on Facebook...they just so happened to all be female...normal right? (Yeah even I don't believe the last sentence I wrote; I'm not very convincing).

So here I am wondering to myself: "I've seen that attractive girl on campus, but I don't know her name." Mind you; I've never met her, spoken with her, met any of her friends, don't know her first name, her last name, her grade, her interests, and quite possibly have never made eye contact with her. We have no deep relationship...nothing close. So what do I do? I search through my friends pictures (the people I've actually met) on Facebook based on what I know about this particular girl from seeing her around. Maybe she was wearing a sweatshirt that said some group or club she was involved in or maybe she wears purple all the time and I'll just search for a group called something like "The Purple People Eaters"; ok that's pretty lame, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, so I'm searching through pictures based on my friends that would be likely to know her. (In answer to your question yes this makes me feel like a creeper,but it's just being myself...right?) And finally I become excited and jackpot there's a picture in front of me and now I know her name. And we've still never met and I realize how utterly ridiculous this is. How the heck does this help me at all? Even a little bit? I've still never met her, but now I have the added pressure of pretending (if we ever do actually meet) that I don't know her name. So I've only made it harder on myself. I'm thinking maybe I should have been normal and just initiated conversation...and yet I've repeated this process multiple times. And now I feel lame because YOU know my secret.


  1. hahaha you should read my post about the mutual friend dilemma haha:

    scroll down or ctr+f and search "mutual friend" ;p

  2. creeper... "just being yourself" does not make it okay. haha

  3. I agree that Facebook gives facebook stalkers some sense, a false sense, of knowing the person or at least information about him/her.

    It seems like knowing the name of someone you've never actually met only helps in creating fantasies of knowing that person.

    Just be bold and ask. Don't facebook stalk!
    There's no point! You won't actually get to know the person unless you meet him/her. Stop lying to yourself and man up!

  4. Lo Ling read the blog on the friend dilemma. Good to know I'm know I'm not the only one who uses Facebook to substitute for human contact.

    Linda, I was aware that "just being myself" made it a little awkward but because I couldn't think of anything else that structurally worked and kept the same tone I kept it. But thanks for the constructive criticism.

    Anonymous, yes Facebook giving false social contact was the underlying message behind it. Sometimes I just enjoy making fun of myself. (No one ever gets offended).

  5. hahah wow that sounds really mean in retrospect. I'm sorry! haha
